PPOL 6801 - Text as Data - Computational Linguistics

Week 3: Descriptive Inference - Comparing Documents

Professor: Tiago Ventura


Thanks for selecting the articles for replication exercise! Next steps:

  • Get access to the data and code ASAP

    • Harvard Dataverse, see footnotes in the papers, contact the authors
    • any issue, please, talk to me!
  • If the data is too big for your laptop, use a sample of the data.

  • If the paper has much more than the text analysis, ignore it, just focus on the TAD component.

  • Any questions?

Where are we?

Three primary challenges dealing with text as data:

  • Challenge I: Text is high dimensional

  • Challenge II: Text is unstructured data source

  • Challenge III: Outcomes live in the latent space

Last week:

  • Pre-processing text + bag of words ~> reduces greatly text complexity (dimensions)

  • Text representation using vectors of numbers ~> document feature matrix (text to numbers)

Plans for today

We will start thinking about latent outcomes. Our first approach will focus on descriptive inference about documents:

  • Comparing documents

  • Using similarity to measure text-reuse

  • Evaluating complexity in text

  • Weighting (TF-iDF)

Recall: Vector space model

To represent documents as numbers, we will use the vector space model representation:

  • A document \(D_i\) is represented as a collection of features \(W\) (words, tokens, n-grams, etc…)

  • Each feature \(w_i\) can be placed in a real line

  • A document \(D_i\) is a point in a \(\mathbb{R}^W\)

    • Each document is now a vector,
    • Each entry represents the frequency of a particular token or feature.
    • Stacking those vectors on top of each other gives the document feature matrix (DFM).

Document-Feature Matrix: fundamental unit of TAD

In a two dimensional space

Documents, W=2

Document 1 = “yes yes yes no no no”

Document 2 = “yes yes yes yes yes yes”

Comparing Documents

How `far’ is document a from document b?

Using the vector space, we can use notions of geometry to build well-defined comparison/similarity measures between the documents.

  • in multiple dimensions!!

Euclidean Distance

The ordinary, straight line distance between two points in space. Using document vectors \(y_a\) and \(y_b\) with \(j\) dimensions

Euclidean Distance

\[ ||y_a - y_b|| = \sqrt{\sum^{j}(y_{aj} - y_{bj})^2} \]

Can be performed for any number of features J ~ has nice mathematical properties

Euclidean Distance, w=2

Euclidean Distance

\[ ||y_a - y_b|| = \sqrt{\sum^{j}(y_{aj} - y_{bj})^2} \]

  • \(y_a\) = [0, 2.51, 3.6, 0] and \(y_b\) = [0, 2.3, 3.1, 9.2]

  • \(\sum_{j=1}^j (y_a - y_b)^2\) = \((0-0)^2 + (2.51-2.3)^2 + (3.6-3.1)^2 + (9-0)^2\) = \(84.9341\)

  • \(\sqrt{\sum_{j=1}^j (y_a - y_b)^2}\) = 9.21


Documents, W=3 {yes, no}

Document 1 = “yes yes yes no no no” (3, 3)

Document 2 = “yes yes yes yes yes yes” (6,0)

Document 3= “yes yes yes no no no yes yes yes no no no yes yes yes no no no yes yes yes no no no” (12, 12)

  • Which documents will the euclidean distance place closer together?
  • Does it look like a good measure for similarity?
    • Doc C = Doc A * 3

Cosine Similarity

Euclidean distance rewards magnitude, rather than direction

\[ \text{cosine similarity}(\mathbf{y_a}, \mathbf{y_b}) = \frac{\mathbf{y_a} \cdot \mathbf{y_b}}{\|\mathbf{y_a}\| \|\mathbf{y_b}\|} \]

Unpacking the formula:

  • \(\mathbf{y_a} \cdot \mathbf{y_b}\) ~ dot product between vectors

    • projecting common magnitudes
    • measure of similarity (see textbook)
    • \(\sum_j{y_{aj}*y_{bj}}\)
  • \(||\mathbf{y_a}||\) ~ vector magnitude, length ~ \(\sqrt{\sum{y_{aj}^2}}\)

  • normalizes similarity by documents’ length ~ independent of document length be because it deals only with the angle of the vectors

  • cosine similarity captures some notion of relative direction (e.g. style or topics in the document)

Cosine Similarity

Cosine function has a range between -1 and 1.

  • Consider: cos (0) = 1, cos (90) = 0, cos (180) = -1


The cosine function can range from [-1, 1]. When thinking about document vectors, cosine similarity is actually constrained to vary only from 0 - 1.

  • Why does cosine similarity for document vectors can never be lower than zero? Think about the vector representation and the document feature matrix.

More metrics

There are a large number of distance/similarity metrics out there, just to name a few:

  • Jaccard Similarity: overlap between documents

  • Manhattan Distance: absolute distance between documents

  • Canberra Distance: Weighted version of Manhattan Distance

  • Minowski: generalized version of Euclidean

No single best measure, depends on your research question.

Mozer et al, 2020 ‘Matching with Text Data’

But some recent research show Document Feature Matrix (DTM) + Cosine similarity works well to perceived similarity on documents

Application: Text-Reuse

Linder et. al, 2020 - Text as Policy

How is cosine similarity used in the application?

Text Complexity

Lexical Diversity

  • Length refers to the size in terms of: characters, words, lines, sentences, paragraphs, pages, sections, chapters, etc.

  • Tokens are generally words ~ useful semantic unit for processing

  • Types are unique tokens.

  • Typically \(N_{tokens}\) >>>> \(N_{types}\)

Type-to-Token ratio

\[ TTR: \frac{\text{total type}}{\text{total tokens}} \]

So… authors with limited vocabularies will have a low lexical diversity

Issues with TTR and Extensions

  • TTR is very sensitive to overall document length,
    • shorter texts may exhibit fewer word repetitions
  • Length also correlates with topic variation ~ more types being added to the document

Other Measures

  • Guiraud: \(\frac{\text{total type}}{\sqrt{\text{total tokens}}}\)

  • S Summer’s Index: \(\frac{\text{log(total type)}}{\text{log(total tokens)}}}\)

  • MTTR: the Moving-Average Type-Token Ratio (Covington and McFall, 2010)


Another way to think about textual complexity is to consider readability.

Readability: ease with which reader (especially of given education) can comprehend a text

  • Combines both difficulty (text) and sophistication (reader)

    • Use a combination of syllables and sentence length to indicate difficulty

    • Human inputs to built parameters

    • Flesch-Kincaid readability index

      • Measurement problems from education research
      • average grade of students who could correctly answer at least 75% of some multiple-choice questions

Flesch-Kincaid readability index

Flesch Reading Ease (FRE)

\[ FRE = 206.835 - 1.015\left(\frac{\mbox{total words}}{\mbox{total sentences}}\right)-84.6\left(\frac{\mbox{total syllables}}{\mbox{total words}}\right) \]

Flesch-Kincaid (Rescaled to US Educational Grade Levels)

\[ FRE = 15.59 - 0.39\left(\frac{\mbox{total words}}{\mbox{total sentences}}\right)- 11.8\left(\frac{\mbox{total syllables}}{\mbox{total words}}\right) \]

Interpretation: 0-30: university level; 60-70: understandable by 13-15 year olds; and 90-100 easily understood by an 11-year old student.

Spirling, 2016. The effects of the Second Reform Act

Benoit et al., 2019, Political Sophistication


  1. Get human judgments of relative textual easiness for specifically political texts.

  2. Use a logit model to estimate latent “easiness” as equivalent to the “ability” parameter in the Bradley-Terry framework.

  3. Use these as training data for a tree-based model. Pick most important parameters

  4. Re-estimate the models using these covariates (Logit + covariates)

  5. Using these parameters, one can “predict” the easiness parameter for a given new text

     - Nice plus ~ add uncertainty to model-based estimates via bootstrapping

Benoit et al., 2019, Political Sophistication

Weighting Counts

Can we do better than just using frequencies?

So far our inputs for the vector representation of documents have relied simply the word frequencies.

Can we do better?

  • One option: weighting

  • Weights:

    • Reward words more unique;
    • Punish words that appear in most documents

TF-IDF = Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency

\(\text{TF-IDF}(t, d) = \text{TF}(t, d) \times \text{IDF}(t)\) - \(\text{TF}(t, d) = \frac{\text{Number of times term } t \text{ appears in document } d}{\text{Total number of terms in document } d}\) - \(\text{IDF}(t) = \log \left( \frac{\text{Total number of documents}}{\text{Number of documents with term } t \text{ in them}} \right)\)

Federalist Papers
