PPOL 6801 - Text as Data - Computational Linguistics

Week 7: Word Embeddings: Theory

Professor: Tiago Ventura

Survey Responses

Thank you so much for responding to the survey! Here are the most important feedback I receive:

  • more structured walk throughs of the code

  • If you could a few resources we can look at for mathematical depth for class topic. Really enjoyed the in-depth discussion on LDA

  • I hope we can have a few discussion questions along with weekly readings

  • Including discussion of papers that are from non-polisci applications? For example, econ, sociology, psychology, etc.?

Stop Doing:

  • long alone time with code

  • Sometimes we spend a bit too long on the recap part

Plans for Today:

  • Live coding from last class on topic models

  • Word Embeddings

    • Semantics, Distributional Hypothesis, From Sparse to Dense Vectors

    • Word2Vec Algorithm

      • Mathematical Model

      • Estimate with Neural Networks

  • Next week:

    • Start with coding to work with wordembeddings

      • Estimate from co-occurence matrices
      • Working with pre-trained models
    • Discuss applications to social science


Word Embeddings

Vector Space Model

In the vector space model, we learned:

  • A document \(D_i\) is represented as a collection of features \(W\) (words, tokens, n-grams..)

  • Each feature \(w_i\) can be place in a real line, then a document \(D_i\) is a point in a \(W\) dimensional space.

Embedded in this model, there is the idea we represent words as a one-hot encoding.

  • “cat”: [0,0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, ….., V] , on a V dimensional vector
  • “dog”: [0,0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, …., V], on a V dimensional vector

What these vectors look like?

  • really sparse

  • vectors are orthogonal

  • no natural notion of similarity

How can we embed some notion of meaning in the way we represent words?

Distributional Semantics

“you shall know a word by the company it keeps.” J. R. Firth 1957

Distributional semantics: words that are used in the same contexts tend to be similar in their meaning.

  • How can we use this insight to build a word representation?

    • Move from sparse representation to dense representation

    • Represent words as vectors of numbers with high number of dimensions

    • Each feature on this vectors embeds some information from the word (gender? noun? sentiment? stance?)

    • Learn this representation from the unlabeled data.

Sparse vs Dense Vectors

One-hot encoding / Sparse Representation:

  • cat = \(\begin{bmatrix} 0,0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 \end{bmatrix}\)

  • dog = \(\begin{bmatrix} 0,0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 \end{bmatrix}\)

Word Embedding / Dense Representation:

  • cat = \(\begin{bmatrix} 0.25, -0.75, 0.90, 0.12, -0.50, 0.33, 0.66, -0.88, 0.10, -0.45 \end{bmatrix}\)

  • dog = \(\begin{bmatrix} 0.25, 1.75, 0.90, 0.12, -0.50, 0.33, 0.66, -0.88, 0.10, -0.45 \end{bmatrix}\)

With colors and real word vectors

Source: Illustrated Word2Vec

Why Word Embeddings?

Encoding similarity: vectors are not ortogonal anymore!

Automatic Generalization: learn about one word allow us to automatically learn about related words

Encodes Meaning: by learning the context, I can learn what a word means.

As a consequence:

  • Word Embeddings improves several NLP/Text-as-Data Tasks.

  • Allows to deal with unseen words.

  • Form the core idea of state-of-the-art models, such as LLMs.

Estimating Word Embeddings


  • Count-based methods: look at how often words co-occur with neighbors.
    • use this matrix, and some some factorization to retrieve vectors for the words
    • GloVE
    • fast, not computationally intensive, but not the best representation
    • we will see code doing this next week
  • Predictive Methods: rely on the idea of self-supervision
    • use unlabeled data and use words to predict sequence
    • the famous word2vec.
      • Skipgram: predicts context words
      • Continuous Bag of Words: predict center word

Word2Vec: a framework for learning word vectors (Mikolov et al. 2013)

Core Idea:

  • We have a large corpus (“body”) of text: a long list of words

  • Every word in a fixed vocabulary is represented by a vector

  • Go through each position t in the text, which has a center word \(c\) and context (“outside”) words \(t\)

  • Use the similarity of the word vectors for \(c\) and \(t\) to calculate the probability of o given c (or vice versa)

  • Keep adjusting the word vectors to maximize this probability

    • Neural Network + Gradient Descent

Skigram Example: Self-Supervision

Source: CS224N

Skigram Example: Self-Supervision

Source: CS224N

Encoding Similarity

To estimate the model, we first need to formalize the probability function we want to estimate.

This is similar to a logistic regression

  • In logistic regression: probability of a event occur given data X and parameters \(\beta\).:
    • $ P(y=1| X, ) = X * \(\beta\) $

    • \(X*\beta\) is not a proper probability function, so we make it to proper probability by using a logit transformation.

    • \(P(y=1|X, \beta ) = \frac{exp(XB)}{1 + exp(XB)}\)

    • Throw this transformation inside of a bernouilli distribution, get the likelihood function, and find the parameters using MLE.

Pametrizing \(P(w_t|w_{t-1})\)

  • \(P(w_t|w_{t-1})\) must be condition on how similar these words are.
    • Exactly the same intuition behind placing documents in the vector space model.
    • Now words are vectors!
    • \(P(w_t|w_{t-1}) = u_c \cdot u_t\)
      • \(u_c \cdot u_t\)
      • dot product between vectors
      • measures similarity using vector projection
      • \(u_c\): center vector
      • \(u_t\): target vectors
  • \(u_c \cdot u_t\) is also not a proper probability distribution: Logit on them!

\[P(w_t|w_{t-1}) = \frac{exp(u_c \cdot u_t)}{{\sum_{w}^V exp(u_c*u_w)}}\]

Softmax Transformation

\[P(w_t|w_{t-1}) = \frac{exp(u_c \cdot u_t)}{{\sum_{w}^V exp(u_c*u_w)}}\]

  • Dot product compares similarity between vectors

  • numerator: center vs target vectors

  • exponentiation makes everything positive

  • Denominator: normalize over entire vocabulary to give probability distribution

  • What is the meaning of softmax?

    • max: assign high values to be 1

    • soft: still assigns some probability to smaller values

    • generalization of the logit ~ multinomial logistic function.

Word2Vec: Objective Function

For each position \(t\), predict context words within a window of fixed size \(m\), given center word \(w\).

Likelihood Function

\[ L(\theta) = \prod_{t=1}^{T} \prod_{\substack{-m<= j<=m \\ j \neq 0}}^{m} P(w_{t+j} | w_t; \theta) \]

  • Assuming independence, this means you multiplying the probability of every target for every center word in your dictionary.

  • This likelihood function will change if you do skipgram with negative sampling (See SLP chapter 6)

Objective Function: Negative log likelihood

\[J(\theta) = - \frac{1}{T}log(L(\theta))\]

  • better to take the gradient with sums

  • the average increases the numerical stability of the gradient.

Neural Networks: Brief overview

Skipgram Architecture

Check your matrices

Practice with a vocabulary of size 5, a embedding with 3 dimensions, and the task is to predict the next word.

  • Step 1: v_1^5 * W_5^3

  • Step 2: w_1^3 * C_3^5

  • Step 3: Softmax entire vector

Word Embeddings Matrices


Once we’ve optimized, we can extract the word specific vectors from W as embedding vectors. These real valued vectors can be used for analogies and related tasks

We will see several applications next week. Most important:

  • Alternative to bag-of-words feature representation in supervised learning tasks

  • Support for other automated text analysis tasks: expand dictionaries

  • Understanding word meaning: variation over time, bias, variation by groups

  • as a scaling method (in two weeks)

Training Embeddings

Embeddings need quite a lot of text to train: e.g. want to disambiguate meanings from contexts. You can download pre-trained, or get the code and train locally

  • Word2Vec is trained on the Google News dataset (∼ 100B words, 2013)

  • GloVe are trained on different things: Wikipedia (2014) + Gigaword (6B words), Common Crawl, Twitter. And uses a co-occurence matrix instead of Neural Networks

  • fastext from facebook

Decisions on embeddings, Rodriguez and Spirling, 2022

When using/training embeddings, we face four key decisions:

  • Window size

  • Number of dimensions for the embedding matrix

  • Pre-trained versus locally fit variants

  • Which algorithm to use?


  • popular, easily available pretrained embeddings perform at a level close to—or surpassing—both human coders andmore complicated locally fit models.

  • GloVe pretrained word embeddings achieve on average—for the set of political queries—80% of human performance and are generally preferred to locally trained embeddings

  • Larger window size and embeddings are often preferred.

More next week!