In this Notebook we cover
This is our last notebook of data wrangling with Pandas
. We will cover:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
Data can be organized in many different ways and can target many different concepts. Having an consistent and well-established procedure for data organization will make your workflow, faster, more efficient and less prone to errors.
On tasks related to data visualization and data wrangling, we will often try to organize our datasets following a tidy data format
proposed by Hadley Wickham in his 2014 article.
Consider the following 4 ways to organize the same data (example pulled from R4DS).
Country | Year | Cases | Population |
Afghanistan | 1999 | 745 | 19987071 |
Afghanistan | 2000 | 2666 | 20595360 |
Brazil | 1999 | 37737 | 172006362 |
Brazil | 2000 | 80488 | 174504898 |
China | 1999 | 212258 | 1272915272 |
China | 2000 | 213766 | 1280428583 |
country | year | type | count |
Afghanistan | 1999 | cases | 745 |
Afghanistan | 1999 | population | 19987071 |
Afghanistan | 2000 | cases | 2666 |
Afghanistan | 2000 | population | 20595360 |
Brazil | 1999 | cases | 37737 |
Brazil | 1999 | population | 172006362 |
country | year | rate |
Afghanistan | 1999 | 745/19987071 |
Afghanistan | 2000 | 2666/20595360 |
Brazil | 1999 | 37737/172006362 |
Brazil | 2000 | 80488/174504898 |
China | 1999 | 212258/1272915272 |
China | 2000 | 213766/1280428583 |
country | 1999 |
2000 |
Afghanistan | 745 | 2666 |
Brazil | 37737 | 80488 |
China | 212258 | 213766 |
country | 1999 |
2000 |
Afghanistan | 19987071 | 20595360 |
Brazil | 172006362 | 174504898 |
China | 1272915272 | 1280428583 |
Three interrelated rules which make a dataset tidy:
There are many reasons why tidy format
facilitates data analysis:
vectorize operations over columns,pandas
to tidy your data.¶Most often you will encounter untidy datasets. A huge portion of your time as a data scientist will consist on apply tidy procedures to your dataset before starting any analysis or modeling. Let's learn some pandas
methods for it!
Let's first create every example of datasets we saw above
base_url = ""
table1 = pd.read_csv("{}table1/table1.csv".format(base_url))
table2 = pd.read_csv("{}table2/table2.csv".format(base_url))
table3 = pd.read_csv("{}table3/table3.csv".format(base_url))
table4a = pd.read_csv("{}table4a/table4a.csv".format(base_url), names=["country", "cases_1999", "cases_2000"] )
table4b = pd.read_csv("{}table4b/table4b.csv".format(base_url), names=["country", "population_1999", "poulation_2000"] )
table5 = pd.read_csv("{}table5/table5.csv".format(base_url), dtype = 'object')
# see
For most real analyses, you will need to resolve one of three common problems to tidy your data:
One variable might be spread across multiple columns (pd.melt()
One observation might be scattered across multiple rows (pd.pivot_table()
A cell might contain weird/non-sensical/missing values.
We will focus on the first two cases, as the last requires a mix of data cleaning skills that are spread over different notebooks
from wide to long¶Requires:
Columns whose names are identifier variables, and you wish to keep in the dataset as it is.
A string for the new column with the variable names.
A string for the new column with the values.
# untidy - wide
# tidy - from wide to long
table4a.melt(id_vars=['country'], var_name = "year", value_name = "cases")
from long to wide (but tidy)¶pivot_table()
is the opposite of melt(). Think about this as you are widening a coarced variables. It requires:
Index to hold your new dataset upon
The column to open up across multiple new columnes.
The column with the values to fill the cell on the new colum.
table2_tidy = table2.pivot_table(
index = ['country', 'year'],
columns = 'type',
values = 'count')
# see
¶To tidy example three, we will use a combination of pandas
and string
methods. This combination will be around very often in our data cleaning tasks
# we need to separate rate
: to split strings in multiple elements¶# simple string
hello, world = "hello/world".split("/")
# with pandas
table3[["cases","population"]]=table3['rate'].str.split("/", expand=True)
methods will be super helpful on cleaning your data
# all to upper
# length
# find
# replace
table3["country_brazil"]=table3["country"].str.replace("Brazil", "BR")
# extract
table3[["century", "years"]] = table3["year"].astype(str).str.extract("(\d{2})(\d{2})")
# see all
Using both the World Cup Datasets from the Data Wrangling Notebook:
Select the following columns: MatchID, Year, Stage, Home Team Name, Away Team Name, Home Team Goals, Away Team Goals.
Clean the column names converting all to lower case and removing spaces.
Convert this data to the long format, having: a) a column indicating if the team played home or away, b) a single for the team
Which team have played more games in the history of the world cup?
Which team have played more games as home, and more games as away team?
# open datasets
wc = pd.read_csv("WorldCups.csv")
wc_matches = pd.read_csv("WorldCupMatches.csv")
# answer
It is unlikely that your work as a data scientist will be restricted to analyze one isolated data frame -- or table in the SQL
/Database lingo. Most often you have multiple tables of data, and your work will consist of combining them to answer the questions that you’re interested in.
There two major reasons for why complex datasets are often stored across multiple tables:
A) Integrity and efficiency issues often referred as database normalization. As your data grow in size and complexity, keeping a unified database leads to redundancy and possible errors on data entry.
B) Data comes from different sources. As a researcher, you are being creative and augmenting the information at your hand to answer a policy question.
Database normalization works as an **constraint**, a guardrail to protect your data infrastructure. The second reason for why joining methods matter is primarily an **opportunity** . Keep always your eyes open for creative ways to connect data sources. Very critical research ideas might emerge from data augmentation from joining unrelated datasets.
comes baked in with a fully functional method (pd.merge
) to join data. However, we'll use the SQL
language when talking about joins to stay consistent with SQL
and R Tidyverse
Let's start creating two tables for us to play around with pandas
join methods
# Two fake data frames
import pandas as pd
data_x = pd.DataFrame(dict(key = ["1","2","3"],
var_x = ["x1","x2","x3"]))
data_y = pd.DataFrame(dict(key = ["1","2","4"],
var_y = ["y1","y2","y4"]))
# chaining datasets
# calling the construct
pd.merge(data_y, data_x,how="left")
# chaining datasets
# chaining datasets
# chaining datasets
# rename datasets
data_X = data_x.rename(columns={"key":"country_x"})
data_Y = data_y.rename(columns={"key":"country_y"})
# join now, and you will get an error
left_on = "country_x", # The left column naming convention
right_on="country_y") # The right column naming convention )
pd.concat(<>, axis=0)
# full of NAS because the second columnes do not have the same name
sort=False) # keep the original structure
pd.concat(<>, axis=1)
Note that when we row bind two DataFrame
objects, pandas
will preserve the indices. And you can use this to sort your dataset.
To keep the data tidy, we can preserve which data is coming from where by generating a hierarchical index using the key
argument. Of course, this could also be done by creating a unique columns in each dataset before the join.
pd.concat([data_x,data_y],axis=0, keys=["data_x","data_y"])
Lastly, note that we can completely ignore the index if need be.
Using both the World Cup Datasets from the Data Wrangling Notebook:
Select the following columns: MatchID, Year, Stage, Home Team Name, Away Team Name, Home Team Goals, Away Team Goals.
Clean the column names converting all to lower case and removing spaces.
Convert this data to the long format, having: a) a single column for the teams playing; b) a single column for the goals scored.
Which team have the higher average of goals in the history of the world cup?
# open datasets
wc = pd.read_csv("WorldCups.csv")
wc_matches = pd.read_csv("WorldCupMatches.csv")
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