In this Notebook:
In this notebook, we will cover standard data wrangling methods using pandas:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# set some options for pandas
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 10)
¶Since you are also learning R throughout DSPP, let's provide you with an overview of the main Data Wrangling Functions in R using Tidyverse and Python using pandas
pandas |
dplyr $^\dagger$ |
Description |
.filter() |
select() |
select column variables/index |
.drop() |
select() |
drop selected column variables/index |
.rename() |
rename() |
rename column variables/index |
.query() |
filter() |
row-wise subset of a data frame by a values of a column variable/index |
.assign() |
mutate() |
Create a new variable on the existing data frame |
.sort_values() |
arrange() |
Arrange all data values along a specified (set of) column variable(s)/indices |
.groupby() |
group_by() |
Index data frame by specific (set of) column variable(s)/index value(s) |
.agg() |
summarize() |
aggregate data by specific function rules |
.pivot_table() |
spread() |
cast the data from a "long" to a "wide" format |
pd.melt() |
gather() |
cast the data from a "wide" to a "long" format |
.() |
%>% |
piping, fluid programming, or the passing one function output to the next |
If you want to fully embrace the tidyverse style from R in Python, you should check the dfply
module. This modules ofers an alternative to data wrangling in Python, and mirrors the popular tidyverse functionalities from R.
We will not cover dfply
in class because I believe you should dominate pandas
as data scientists that are fluent in Python. However, feel free to learn and even use in your homeworks and assignment.
# load worldcup datasets
wc = pd.read_csv("WorldCups.csv")
wc_matches = pd.read_csv("WorldCupMatches.csv")
# see wc data
# see matched data
If you started your data science career, or are simultaneously learning R, it is likely you were exposed to the tidyverse
world, and the famous pipe
. Here it is for you:
Pipe operators, introduced by tha magritt package in R, absolutely transformed the way of writing coding in R. It did for good reasons. And in the past few years, piping has also become more prevalent in Python.
Pipe operators allows you to:
In pandas, piping allows you to chain together in a single workflow a sequence of methods. Pipe operators (.pipe()
) in pandas
were introduced relatively recently (version 0.16.2).
Let's see some examples using the world cup data. We want to count which country played more world cup games.
# read world cup data
#wc = pd.read_csv("WorldCupMatches.csv")
wc = pd.read_csv("WorldCupMatches.csv")
# select columns
wc = wc.filter(['Year','Home Team Name','Away Team Name'])
# make it tidy
wc = wc.melt(id_vars=["Year"], var_name="var", value_name="country")
# group by
wc = wc.groupby("country")
# count occurrences
wc = wc.size()
# move index to column with new name
wc = wc.reset_index(name="n")
# sort
wc = wc.sort_values(by="n", ascending=False)
# print 10
wc = pd.read_csv("WorldCupMatches.csv")
# select columns
wc_10 = ( # encapsulate
wc.filter(['Year','Home Team Name','Away Team Name']).
melt(id_vars=["Year"], var_name="var", value_name="country").
sort_values(by="n", ascending=False)
) # close
# print 10
It should be clear by now, but these are some of the advantages of piping your code:
Keep in mind pipes also have some disadvantages. In my view, specially when working in notebook in which you do not execute line by line, pipes can make codes a bit harder to debug and also embed errors that could be more easily perceived by examining intermediate variables.
methods (allows piping). # load worldcup dataset
wc = pd.read_csv("WorldCups.csv")
wc_matches = pd.read_csv("WorldCupMatches.csv")
## simple index for columns
## using dot method
## using .loc method
Notice, in all cases, the output comes as a pandas series
. If you would like the output to be a full data frame, or if you need to select multiple columns, you should give a list of indexes as inputs
methods for selecting columns¶It allows you to select multible variables in between column names!
# .loc for a single or multiple columns
wc.loc[: , "Year":"Winner"]
# iloc for numeric positions
method¶The filter
methods in Pandas works similarly to the select
function in the Tidyverse in R. It has the following advantages:
# simple filter
wc.filter(["Year", "Winner"])
Using the like parameter: Select columns that contain a specific substring.
# like parameter. In R: data %>% select(contains("Away"))
Using the Regex: You can also input regex queries for selecting columns. More and More flexibility
# starts with
# ends with
Drop specific variables/column indices
## select all but "Year" and "Country"
wc[wc.columns[~wc.columns.isin(["Year", "Country"])]]
# Indexing: Bit too much?!
# .isin returns a boolean.
wc.columns[~wc.columns.isin(["Year", "Country"])]
# What is going on here?
~wc.columns.isin(["Year", "Country"])
# loc methods
wc.loc[:,~wc.columns.isin(["Year", "Country"])]
# indexing -> error
bol_col = ~wc.columns.isin(["Year", "Country"])
# With .loc, it works
methods: easier way to go¶wc.drop(columns=["Year"])
# see here why you need the argument columns
Traditional index assignment. Advantages:
method. Advantage:
Let's see examples of both methods:
# With built in math operations
wc["av_goals_matches"] = wc["GoalsScored"]/wc["MatchesPlayed"]
## with numpy
wc["winner_and_hoster"] = np.where(wc.Country==wc.Winner, True, False)
wc[["Year", "Winner", "Country", "winner_and_hoster"]].head(5)
methods by rows¶As we saw before, apply()
methods allow you to apply functions rowwise or columnwise in python. Here you are applying a certain data transformation to every row in your dataframe
# with an apply method + function
wc["av_goals_matches"] = wc.apply(lambda x: x["GoalsScored"]/x["MatchesPlayed"], axis=1)
method.¶Allows you to create variables with methods chaining.
## when the winner was also hosting the world cup?
# multiple variables
assign(final = wc.Winner + " vs " + wc['Runners-Up'],
winner_and_hoster_np = np.where(wc.Winner==wc.Country, True, False),
av_goals_matches = lambda x: x["GoalsScored"]/x["MatchesPlayed"],
##allows for methods chaining
filter(["Year", "Winner", "Country", "final",
"winner_and_hoster_np", "av_goals_matches"]).
also allows for the use of newly create variables in the same chain. To do that, you need to make use of the lambda function
# Notice calling the recently created variable final
assign(final = wc.Winner + " vs " + wc['Runners-Up'],
best_three = lambda x: x["final"] + " and " + x["Third"]).
filter(["best_three","final", "Country", "Third", "Runners-Up", "Winner"]).
The combination of lambda (or a normal function) and .assign()
is actually a nice property that resambles the properties of mutate
in R. A lambda function (or a normal function) with .assign passes in the current state of the dataframe into the function. Because we create the variable in the state before, the lambda function allows us to access this new variable, and manipulate it in sequence. This also works for cases of grouped data, or chains in which we filter observations and transform the dataframe
To make this point clear, see how doing the same operation without a lambda function will throw an error:
# will throw an error
assign(final= wc.Winner + " vs " + wc['Runners-Up'],
best_three = wc["final"] + " and " + wc["Third"]).
filter(["best_three","final", "Country"])
Rename a columns directly or a via a function.
# Pandas: renaming variables using the rename method
{col: col.lower() for col in wc.columns}
# we can use dictionary comprehension to apply functions in all
wc.rename(columns={col: col.lower() for col in wc.columns}).head(5)
# Or for only a set of the columns by given them as inputs
wc.rename(columns={col: col.lower() for col in ["Year", "Country"]}).head(5)
In this practice questions, we'll hone our data manipulation skills by examining conflict event data generated by the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED). The aim is to practice some of the data manipulation functions covered in the lecture.
ACLED is a "disaggregated data collection, analysis, and crisis mapping project. ACLED collects the dates, actors, locations, fatalities, and modalities of all reported political violence and protest events across Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Central Asia and the Caucasus, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Southeastern and Eastern Europe and the Balkans." For this exercise, we'll focus just on the data pertaining to Africa. For more information regarding these data, please consult the ACLED methodology.
Create three new columns:
# read
acled_sa = pd.read_csv("acled_south_america.csv")
# 2
colnames = acled_sa.filter(like="event").columns.to_list() + acled_sa.filter(like="actor").columns.to_list()
# another solution
# rename
acled_sa = acled_sa.rename(columns={col: col.replace("event", "event_acled_south_america") for col in acled_sa.columns}).head(5)
# 4
import numpy as np
assign(fatality_bin = np.where(acled_sa["fatalities"]>0, 1, 0),
full_location = acled_sa["region"]+ "-" + acled_sa["country"],
inter_recoded = np.where(acled_sa["inter1"]==acled_sa["inter1"].median(), "Median Value",
"Higher Median", "Below Median"))
# solutions using
median_value = acled_sa["inter1"].median()
# Define the conditions
conditions = [
acled_sa['inter1'] < median_value,
acled_sa['inter1'] == median_value,
acled_sa['inter1'] > median_value
# Define the output values
choices = ['below median', 'at median', 'above median']
# Use
acled_sa['inter_recoded'] =, choices, default='N/A')
# see
acled_sa.filter(["inter1", "inter_recoded"])
For data wrangling tasks at the rows of your data frame, we will discuss:
Slice the dataframe row-wise following a certain input.
or .iloc
# index based implementation
# or with multiple condition
# see this
method¶# pretty much the same + column names if you wish
: a pipe approach¶As before, you can use .query()
methods to a more reable and pipeble approach. Notice the inside of the quotation marks use only the column name.
wc.query('Year<1990 & Year>1940')
# Pandas: drop duplicative entries for a specific variable
# notice here you are actually deleting important rows
# Pandas: randomly sample N number of rows from the data
Recode a value given certain conditions. This type of transformation is one of the most importants in data cleaning.
There are many ways to recode variables in Python. We will showcase four of the most useful in my view.
First, we will see more generalized row-wise approach in pandas using:
Then we will see two vectorized solutions using numpy:
The map()
function is used to substitute each value in a Series with another value.
# map + dictionary to recode to create a dummy for certain country
# create a map function
mapping = {"Brazil":1}
# map the values
wc["brazil_winner"]= wc["Winner"].map(mapping)
# Fill missing values with a default value (e.g., 0)
wc["brazil_winner"].fillna(0, inplace=True)
# see results
The apply() function is used when you want to apply a function along the axis of a DataFrame (either rows or columns). This function can be both an in-built function or a user-defined function.
# apply + function to recode
def get_dummies(x):
if x =="Brazil":
return 1
return 0
# apply function
Notice, we can make it more general by providing a argument to the function
# apply + function to recode
def get_dummies(x, country):
if x == country:
return 1
return 0
# Apply function with Uruguay now
wc["winner_uruguay"] = wc['Winner'].apply(get_dummies, country="Uruguay").head(10)
Here we are using apply for a column, so we do not need to indicate axis=1. That's also why we are inputing the columns as a serie. Notice we could do the same with assign:
# using apply inside of assign
wc.assign(winner_germany=wc['Winner'].apply(get_dummies, country="Germany"))
and map()
is used to apply a function along an axis of the DataFrame or on values of Series.
is used to substitute each value in a Series with another value.
: if-else approach.¶np.where
is similar to ifelse in Rnp.where(condition, true, false)
Let's see some examples:
# create a new variable
wc["winner_brazil"]=np.where(wc["Winner"]=="Brazil", 1, 0)
# notice we can easily use np.where with assign
wc.assign(winner_brazil_=np.where(wc["Winner"]=="Brazil", 1, 0)).head(10)
# using string methods
.assign(south_america=np.where(wc["Winner"].str.contains("Brazil|Uruguay|Argentina"), 1, 0))
.filter(["Winner", "south_america"])
: for multiple conditions¶case_when
in R., choicelist, default)
# step one: create a list of conditions
condition = [wc["Winner"]==wc["Country"],
# step two: create the choice list
choice_list = [1, 2, 3]
# recode
.assign(, choice_list, default="4+"))
How it works
“group by” is a common data wrangling process that exists in any language (R, Python, SQL) and refers to a process involving one or more of the following steps:
Splitting the data into groups based on some criteria.
Applying a function to each group independently.
Combining the results into a data structure.
The groupby()
method in pandas splits your dataset in smaller parts. It generates an iterable where each group is broken up into a tuple (group,data).
# load worldcup dataset
wc = pd.read_csv("WorldCups.csv")
wc_matches = pd.read_csv("WorldCupMatches.csv")
#groupby object
g = wc.groupby(["Winner"])
The output of a groupby method is a flexible abstraction: although more complicated things are happening under the hood, in many ways, it can be treated as a collection of DataFrame
s. And as we learned, any collector can be iterated over!
# Iteration for groups
for group, data in g:
# iteration for data grouped
for group, data in g:
And we can acess a specific group:
The power of a grouping function (like .groupby()
shines when coupled with an aggregation operation.
An aggregation is any operation that reduces the dimensionality of the data!
: .groupby()
+ built-in methods¶# mean of all numeric variables grouping by winners
or select a specific variable to perform the aggregation step on.
# With a specific input
Notice the results come in a index structure. You can easily convert back to a fully formated dataframe by:
# reseting the index
## as_index=false
wc.groupby(["Winner"], as_index=False)["GoalsScored"].mean()
Pandas offers many built-in methods to perform aggregations. Here is a list:
See user guide from Pandas Documentation
Method | Functionality |
.any |
Compute whether any of the values in the groups are truthy |
.all |
Compute whether all of the values in the groups are truthy |
.count |
Compute the number of non-NA values in the groups |
.cov |
Compute the covariance of the groups |
.first |
Compute the first occurring value in each group |
.idxmax |
Compute the index of the maximum value in each group |
.idxmin |
Compute the index of the minimum value in each group |
.last |
Compute the last occurring value in each group |
.max |
Compute the maximum value in each group |
.mean |
Compute the mean of each group |
.median |
Compute the median of each group |
.min |
Compute the minimum value in each group |
.nunique |
Compute the number of unique values in each group |
.prod |
Compute the product of the values in each group |
.quantile |
Compute a given quantile of the values in each group |
.sem |
Compute the standard error of the mean of the values in each group |
.size |
Compute the number of values in each group |
.skew |
Compute the skew of the values in each group |
.std |
Compute the standard deviation of the values in each group |
.sum |
Compute the sum of the values in each group |
.var |
Compute the variance of the values in each group |
Let's see some examples:
# max goal by team as home team
.groupby(["Home Team Name"])
["Home Team Goals"]
.sort_values("Home Team Goals", ascending=False))
# number of matches as home team
.groupby(["Home Team Name"], as_index=False)
["Home Team Name"]
.sort_values("size", ascending=False)
: .groupby()
+ agg()
¶Alternatively, we can specify a whole range of operations to aggregate by (along with specific variable columns) using the .aggregate()
method. To keep track of which operations correspond which variable, pandas
will generate a hierarchical index for column entries.
We can also user-defined functions into the aggregate()
function as well.
def mean_add_50(x):
return np.mean(x) + 50
+ .rename()
provides an easy workflow to rename your newly created variables
rename(columns={"mean": "goals_mean",
"std": "goals_std",
"median": "goals_median",
: .groupby()
+ .apply()
¶Even though I cover this in more details on the miscellaneous notebook, here is a good moment to bring the .apply()
methods from pandas one more time.
The apply
method lets you apply an arbitrary function by row or by columns on your data frame. As you can imagine, it also allow you to apply results by at a groupby
object, and returns a summarizes dataset.
The function should take a DataFrame
and returns either a Pandas object (e.g., DataFrame
, Series
) or a scalar
Let's an example with the mean add function:
We can also group by more than one variable (i.e. implement a multi-index on the rows).
wc.groupby(["Winner", "Year"])["GoalsScored"].mean().reset_index().head(5)
: .groupby()
+ .transform()
¶Other times we want to implement data manipulations by some grouping variable but retain structure of the original data. Put differently, our aim is not to aggregate but to perform some operation across specific groups.
To do so, we will combine .groupby()
and .transform()
methods. Let's see an example:
# create a new column
# notive you need to select the column you want to transform.
# easily combined with assign
# create a new column
# also: very useful with lambda functions
wc.groupby("Winner")["GoalsScored"].transform(lambda x: x - x.mean())
# Pandas: sort values by a column variable (ascending)
# Pandas: sort values by a column variable (descending)
# Pandas: sort values by more than one column variable
wc.sort_values(['Winner', "Country"]).head(3)
And remember of the cheat sheet for pandas
Using the same ACLED data from the previous exercise, answer:
What are the different event types recorded?
How many events are recorded for each year?
What’s the most common event type in the data?
Which countries had the highest number of reported fatalities?
# 1
acled_sa = pd.read_csv("acled_south_america.csv")
# 2
(acled_sa.groupby("year", as_index=False)
# 3
(acled_sa.groupby("event_type", as_index=False)
.sort_values("size", ascending=False)
acled_sa.groupby("country", as_index=False)["fatalities"].sum().sort_values("fatalities", ascending=False)
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