and seaborn
As an data scientist, one of the most important skills you need is the ability to make compelling data visualizations to present your work. A well-thought visualization is always more attractive than a crosstab or numerical results from a statistical model.
At our DSPP program, you will do a full semester on Data Visualization. For this reason, here we will cover the basics of visualization in Python, both in theory and in practice, but you will learn more in-depth how to work with animations, build dashboards, among other things in the future.
We will cover Python native libraries for data visualization (matplotlib
and seaborn
). However, more attention will be given to plotnine
, which is a library that brings the grammar of graphics
framework to Python. Read more here about plotnine
The grammar of graphics
provides a well-structure, layered framework to describe and construct visualization from data. We will focus on the grammar of graphics
for the following practical and theorethical reasons:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats # for calculating the quantiles for a QQ plot
import requests
# Print all columns from the Pandas DataFrame
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
# Ignore warnings from Seaborn (specifically, future update warnings)
import warnings
Let's start with a visualization from my research.
How many variables?
How are these variables represented in the figure?
What are the non-data related information presented in the graph?
The key aspect on data visualization is to take data points and convert them visual elements.
All data visualizations map data values into quantifiable features of the resulting graphic. We refer to these features as aesthetics. Fundamentals of Data Visualization, Claus Wilke
Below you can see some commonly used aesthetics in data visualization:
Most often we will use a 2d cartesian coordinate system to present our graphs. Humans can very easily understand information in two dimensions, and our work will very often consist on mapping data into X and Y axis.
However, most often, we want to add more variables to a 2d space. For example, we might want to:
Those are all data points. If we want to represent them in a 2d graph, we need to map them in new aesthetics. Let's show examples with the a few different aesthethics
According to ChatGPT, a "Grammar is the set of structural rules that dictate how words in a language can be combined to form meaningful sentences. These rules determine how phrases and sentences are constructed in a particular language.""
The grammar of graphics, as the name says, brings a similar effort to establish structural rules to data visualizations. This idea of building a grammar of graphics was first developed by Leland Wilkinson's book "The Grammar of Graphics". The grammar of graphics is about breaking down graphs into these consistent components, allowing for a systematic and structured approach to creating a wide variety of visualizations.
One of the most well-known implementations of the grammar of graphics is the ggplot2
package in the R programming language, developed by Hadley Wickham. ggplot2
breakes the grammar of graphics layer by layer
Native libraries in Python do not use this framework. However, for the reasons explain before, we will focus on this framework in our class, which has been implemented with the library plotnine
. plotnine
offers an emulator for the powerful ggplot2
graphics package from R
graphs have three key steps
Data Step: The raw data that you want to plot.
Aesthetics <aes()> step: Aesthetics of the geometric and statistical objects, such as position, color, size, shape, and transparency
This all you need to build you graphs. In addition, there are other components you will eventually use to adjust your data visualization
Facets: to produce create subplots based on specific variable
annotations: labels, titles, subtitles, captions.
Coordinates & Scales: some additional functions to adjust aesthetics you are mapping (change colors, size, alpha, scale of x and y coordinates)
Theme: Control the finer presentation details like font size, background color, grid line styles, etc.
¶Let's first open the gapminder dataset, a subset of the original data set from ( For each of 142 countries, it provides values for life expectancy, GDP per capita, and population, every five years, from 1952 to 2007.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from plotnine import * # to imitate ggplot
from gapminder import gapminder # bring data
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') # Ignore warnings
# Read in data
# create to new log variables
gapminder = (gapminder
.assign(lngdpPercap = np.log(gapminder["gdpPercap"]),
lnpop = np.log(gapminder["pop"]))
# build in plotnine graph
# step 1: data
(ggplot(data=gapminder) +
# step 2: geom
# step 3: aesthethics
aes(x="lngdpPercap", y="lifeExp"))
# you can either easily change the geometric representations
# step 1: data
(ggplot(data=gapminder) +
# step 2: geom
# step 3: aesthethics
aes(x="lngdpPercap", y="lifeExp"), method='loess')
# you can either easily change the geometric representations
# step 1: data
(ggplot(data=gapminder) +
# step 2: geom
# step 3: aesthethics
aes(x="lngdpPercap", y="lifeExp"), method="loess") +
# new geometric representation
aes(x="lngdpPercap", y="lifeExp"))
# you can either easily change the geometric representations
# step 1: data
(ggplot(data=gapminder) +
# step 2: geom
# step 3: aesthethics as variable
aes(x="lngdpPercap", y="lifeExp", color="continent")) +
# aesthetics as values
aes(x="lngdpPercap", y="lifeExp"), color="black",
# step 1: data
(ggplot(data=gapminder) +
# step 2: geom
# step 3: aesthethics
aes(x="lngdpPercap", y="lifeExp", color="continent"),
alpha=.2, size=3) +
# step scale: manually edit the aesthetics variables
scale_color_manual(values = ["blue","steelblue","black","gold","pink"],
name="Continent") +
# step theme: change the overall layout of the graph
theme_minimal(base_size=16) +
# step facet: break the graph in subplots
facet_wrap("continent", scales="free") +
# step labels: edit the labels of the graph
labs(x="Log GDP Per Capita", y="Life Expectancy", title="Gdp vs Life Expectancy Across the World")
<div class="alert alert-block alert-danger", style="font-size: 20px;"> Do I need to memorize all of these options? </div>
No. You need to learn the fundamental steps and how they work. But, you should be asking yourself, what do I do when I need to build a graph?
This is how it works for me:
Consult the plotnine's documentation website for additional guidance and tips on using the API.
Check the library to see graphs you would like to replicate on your work.
And get ready to ask google the same question over and over.
+ seaborn
¶Outside plotnine
and the integration of grammar of graphics to Python, Python has its own native visualization tools.
The most famous are matplotlib
and seaborn
(that is actually built based on matplotlib
Because matplotlib
and seaborn
are still the most used visualization library in Python, and it is likely you will encounter them as you look through other data scientists' code. Then, we will also cover briefly in class how these libraries work.
We will use the same gapminder
Disclaimer: In all honesty, I am a ggplot/plotnine
person, so I am not really helpful with matplotlib
¶Matplotlib has its own way to built plots. In general, it involves:
and plt.axes()
objects plt.axes()
objectLet's see an example:
# setup
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # for plotting
import seaborn as sns # for plotting
# Matplot lib
# step 1: can be done with `plt.subplots()`
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# step 2 + step 3
ax.scatter(x = gapminder["lngdpPercap"], y = gapminder["lifeExp"],
c="green", alpha=.5, marker="*")
# step 4
ax.set_ylabel("Log GDP Percapita")
ax.set_xlabel("Life Expectancy")
makes some of these steps unecessary¶# Using .plt methods to avoid .axes and .figure
plt.scatter(x = gapminder["lngdpPercap"], y = gapminder["lifeExp"], c="green", alpha=.5, marker="*")
plt.xlabel("Log GDP perCapita")
plt.ylabel("Life Expectancy")
is another more traditional Python data visualization library. It is built on top of matplotlib. It offers a higher-level, more attractive interface for creating statistically-informed visualizations.
Main advantages:
Check the seaborn official tutorial
Let's see how it works
# seaborn
sns.scatterplot(x = "lngdpPercap",y="lifeExp",
data = gapminder)
plt.xlabel("Log GDP perCapita")
plt.ylabel("Life Expectancy")
Data Type | Example | Scale |
Numerical | 1.3, 800, 10e3 | Continuous Integer | 1, 2, 3| Discrete (when $n$ is small), Continuous (when $n$ is large) Categorical| "dog", "Nigeria", "A"| Discrete Ordered |"Small", "Medium", "Large"| Discrete Dates/Time | 2009-01-02, 5:32:33 | Continuous
# plotnine
(ggplot(gapminder,aes(x='continent')) +
# Ordering Bar Plot by Frequency
(ggplot(gapminder,aes(x='continent')) +
geom_bar() +
scale_x_discrete(limits=["Africa", "Americas", "Asia", "Europe", "Oceania"]) +
ylim(0, 800) +
# create a binary indicator for wealthy countries
gapminder = (gapminder.
assign(wealthy=np.where(gapminder["lngdpPercap"] > 9,"yes","no")
## Adding in more categorical data
(ggplot(gapminder,aes(x='continent',fill='wealthy')) +
geom_bar() +
scale_x_discrete(limits=["Africa", "Americas", "Asia", "Europe", "Oceania"]))
# Dodge + edit colors
(ggplot(gapminder,aes(x='continent',fill='wealthy')) +
geom_bar(position="dodge", color="black") +
scale_x_discrete(limits=["Africa", "Americas", "Asia", "Europe", "Oceania"]) +
scale_fill_manual(values=["yellow", "red"],
limits=["yes", "no"],
labels=["Yes", "No"],
# Create the bar plot
palette = {"yes": "yellow", "no": "red"}
# Seaborn
palette = {"yes": "yellow", "no": "red"}
sns.catplot(x="continent", hue = "wealthy",
# Set legend title
# plotnine
# Calculate the means and standard errors for lifeExp grouped by continent
grouped = gapminder.groupby('continent')['lifeExp'].agg(['mean', 'std']).reset_index()
grouped['ymin'] = grouped['mean'] - grouped['std']
grouped['ymax'] = grouped['mean'] + grouped['std']
# Plot
(ggplot(grouped, aes(x='continent', y='mean'))
+ geom_point(color="red", size=3)
+ geom_errorbar(aes( ymin='ymin', ymax='ymax'), width=.2, size=1.2)
# seaborn catplot method
join=False) # discuss the difference between join=True, and join=False
# plotnine
(ggplot(gapminder,aes(x='continent',y = 'lifeExp')) +
geom_boxplot() +
# Seaborn
sns.boxplot(y='continent',x = 'lifeExp',data=gapminder)
# ggplot
(ggplot(gapminder,aes(x='continent',y = 'lifeExp')) +
# Seaborn
sns.violinplot(x='continent',y = 'lifeExp',data=gapminder)
(ggplot(gapminder,aes(x='continent',y = 'lifeExp',color="continent")) +
geom_jitter(width = .25,alpha=.5,show_legend=False))
# Layer the representations
(ggplot(gapminder,aes(x='continent',y = 'lifeExp',color="continent")) +
geom_jitter(width = .1,alpha=.1,show_legend=False) +
# Seaborn
color = {"Asia": "blue",
"Europe": "red",
"Africa": "yellow",
# boxplot
sns.boxplot(x='continent',y = 'lifeExp',
# jitter
sns.stripplot(x='continent', y='lifeExp',
data=gapminder, jitter=True,
alpha=0.1, hue="continent",
plt.legend([], [], frameon=False)
# plotnine/ggplot2
(ggplot(gapminder, aes(x = 'lifeExp')) +
# Seaborn
# plotnine/ggplot2
(ggplot(gapminder, aes(x = 'lifeExp')) +
# plotnine/ggplot2
(ggplot(gapminder, aes(x = 'lifeExp', fill="continent")) +
xlim(0,100) +
facet_grid(" ~ continent"))
# Seaborn
# plotnine/ggplot2
(ggplot(gapminder, aes(x = 'lngdpPercap', y = 'lifeExp')) +
# Seaborn
sns.scatterplot(x = 'lngdpPercap', y = 'lifeExp',data=gapminder)
# plotnine/ggplot2
(ggplot(gapminder, aes(x = 'lngdpPercap', y = 'lifeExp')) +
# easily smooth in ggplot
(ggplot(gapminder, aes(x = 'lngdpPercap', y = 'lifeExp')) +
+ geom_smooth(method="loess"))
# Seaborn
sns.lineplot(x = 'lngdpPercap', y = 'lifeExp',data=gapminder)
Try your best to reproduce the figure below. I generated a random sample of data for you to use. Enjoy!
# data generation
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from plotnine import ggplot, aes, geom_point, geom_smooth, theme_minimal, scale_color_manual, labs, geom_vline
# Simulation
np.random.seed(42) # For reproducibility
n = 300
margin = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, n) # Margin between -1 and 1
party = np.where(margin < 0, 'Non-Incumbent', 'Incumbent')
party_ = np.where(margin < 0, 1, 0)
# the model
vote_share = 0.2 * margin - .2 *party_ + np.random.normal(0, 0.2, n)*abs(margin) # Linear relationship with some noise
# Build a dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({
'margin': margin,
'vote_share': vote_share,
'party': party
# build your plot
## Add you code!
!jupyter nbconvert _week-6-data-visualization.ipynb --to html --template classic