PPOL 5203 - Data Science I: Foundations

Week 11: Text-As-Data II: Classification

Professor: Tiago Ventura


Plans for Today

Introduction to Text Analysis/Natural Language Processing

  • Supervised Learning with Text
    • Dictionary Methods
    • Machine Learning Pre-Trained Models
    • Applications of LLMs (Large Languague models)

In two weeks: Project Presentations. Your final project in slides!

Next Class: SQL + time for you to talk to me about your projects.

Supervised Learning with Text

When doing supervised learning with text, we have three basic pieces of the puzzle:

  • Outcome: the content you want to classify.

    • Examples:
      • Tone, Emotion, Topic, Misinformation, Quality… Anything you know what you want to classify
  • Input: this is your text. Often this will come from converting you text to a numerical representation. As we learned last week, most times this numerical representation will be a document feature matrix.

  • Model: An transformation function connecting your words with the outcome you want to predict.

Three types of Supervised Learning with Text

In class, we will see three distinct types of approaches to do supervised learning with text.

  • Dictionary Models.

  • Classic Machine Learning with bag-of-words assumption.

  • Pre-Trained Models Deep Learning Models.

Dictionary Models

  • Use a set of pre-defined words that allow us to classify documents automatically, quickly and accurately.

  • Instead of optimizing a transformation function using statistical assumption and seen data, in dictionaries we have a pre-assumed recipe for the transformation function.

  • A dictionary contains:

    • a list of words that corresponds to each category
      • positive and negative for sentiment
      • Sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, racism for hate speech
  • Weights given to each word ~ same for all words or some continuous variation.

More specifically…

We have a set of key words with weights,

  • e.g. for sentiment analysis: horrible is scored as \(-1\) and beautiful as \(+1\)

  • the relative rate of occurrence of these terms tells us about the overall tone or category that the document should be placed in.

For document \(i\) and words \(m=1,\ldots, M\) in the dictionary,

\[\text{tone of document $i$}= \sum^M_{m=1} \frac{s_m w_{im}}{N_i}\]


  • \(s_m\) is the score of word \(m\)
  • \(w_{im}\) is the number of occurrences of the \(m_{th}\) dictionary word in the document \(i\)
  • \(N_i\) is the total number of all dictionary words in the document

Quizz. Advantages and Disadvantages of dictionaries?

Classic Machine Learning with bag-of-words assumption.


  • Step 1: label some examples of the concept of we want to measure (output)

  • Step 2: convert your data to a document-feature matrix (input)

  • Step 3: train a statistical model on these set of label data using the document-feature matrix.

  • Step 4: use the classifier - some f(x) - to predict unseen documents

Evaluating the Performance

J ¬J Total
Actual J a (TP) b (FN) a+b
¬J c (FP) d (TN) c+d
Total a+c b+d N
  • Accuracy: number correctly classified/total number of cases = (a+d)/(a+b+c+d)

  • Precision : number of TP / (number of TP+number of FP) = a/(a+c) .

    • Fraction of the documents predicted to be J, that were in fact J.
    • Think as a measure for the estimator
  • Recall: (number of TP) / (number of TP + number of FN) = a /(a+b)

    • Fraction of the documents that were in fact J, that method predicted were J.
    • Think as a measure for the data
  • F : 2 precision*recall / precision+recall

    • Harmonic mean of precision and recall.

Quizz. Advantages and Disadvantages of Classic ML?

Pre-Trained Deep Learning Models

In recent years, text-as-data/nlp tasks have been dominated by the use of deep learning models. Let’s try to understand a bit what these models are.

  • Components: These text-based deep learning models have two major components

    • A dense representation of words (no bag of words!).
      • Every word becomes a vector now
    • A deep architecture for model predictions ~ neural network
  • Definition: Deep Learning Models are designed for general-purpose classification tasks or just simple next-word prediction tasks

    • In general those are models built on TONS of data and optimized for a particular task
  • Key Features:

    • Available for use, adaptation and experimentation
    • Ready to use
    • Low to zero cost
    • Deep ML architectures ~ High accuracy
    • Can be fine-tuned for your specific task

Dense Vector Representation

In the vector space model, we learned:

  • A document \(D_i\) is represented as a collection of features \(W\) (words, tokens, n-grams..)

  • Each feature \(w_i\) can be place in a real line, then a document \(D_i\) is a point in a \(W\) dimensional space.

Embedded in this model, there is the idea we represent words as a one-hot encoding.

  • “cat”: [0,0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, ….., V] , on a V dimensional vector
  • “dog”: [0,0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, …., V], on a V dimensional vector

Sparse vs Dense Vectors

One-hot encoding / Sparse Representation:

  • cat = \(\begin{bmatrix} 0,0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 \end{bmatrix}\)

  • dog = \(\begin{bmatrix} 0,0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 \end{bmatrix}\)

Word Embedding / Dense Representation:

  • cat = \(\begin{bmatrix} 0.25, -0.75, 0.90, 0.12, -0.50, 0.33, 0.66, -0.88, 0.10, -0.45 \end{bmatrix}\)

  • dog = \(\begin{bmatrix} 0.25, 1.75, 0.90, 0.12, -0.50, 0.33, 0.66, -0.88, 0.10, -0.45 \end{bmatrix}\)

  • Dense representations are behind all recent advancements on NLP, including ChatGPT

Embeddings with Self-Supervision

Source: CS224N

Transformers Architecture

Neural Networks with Dense Vectors.

How do I use these sophisticated models?

If you have enough computing power and knowledge of working with these models, you can train your own LLM models. It takes a LOT of data, time and money.

Most people will:

  • use pre-trained models (transfer learning) available on the web.

  • use pre-trained word embeddings, fine tune the model (retrain with new data), and improve the performance

  • outsource tasks for generative models through prompting via APIs.

Notebook for Text Analysis