= ["Ramy", "Victorie", "Letty", "Robin", "Antoine", "Griffin"] list_exercise
PPOL 5203 - Data Science I: Foundations
Week 4: Intro to Python II: Scaling up your code - Iteration, Comprehension and Functions
Where we are ….
We started with the basics of being a data scientist:
Reproducibility + Data Workflow
Version Control
Now, we are going over the primitives of Python as your main DS tool:
Python as a OOP language
Native data types in Python
Plans for today
Start slow with the in-class exercise from last week.
Scaling up your python skills:
Control statements (if, for and while loops)
Intro do Python - Part II.
Importing librarys in Python
List Comprehension + Generators
File Management
Data as Nested Lists
In Class-Exercise (Use the Lecture Notes to solve)
Let’s practice with lists first. One way to explore data structures is to learn their methods. Check all the methods of a list by running ‘dir()’ on a list object. Let’s explore these functions using the following list object, by answering the below questions. See here for list methods:
- Add “Cathy O’Neil” to the list. Insert “Professor Crast” as the first element of the list
- Remove “Letty” from the list. Also remove the last element of the list.
- Find the index of the occurrence of the name “Robin”. Count the number of times None appears in the list.
- Create a new list with the names in alphabetical order, copy this list as a new list without changing the values of the original list
- Add the string “Lovell” to copied_list and ensure that list_exercise remains unchanged.
Let’s do a similar exercise with Dictionaries. Consider the dictionary below. See here for dictionary methods:
= {"Ramy": "India",
dict_exercise "Victorie":"Haiti",
- Look up the keys in the dictionary, and store them in a list object called keys
- Add yourself, and two other colleagues in this dictionary. The values are the countries the person in the key was born.
- Remove “Ramy” from the dictionary, and save as another dictionary
Let’s now play around with some string methods. See the string below from the book “Babel:An Arcane History”. See here for string methods:
= "That's just what translation is, I think. That's all speaking is. Listening to the other and trying to see past your own biases to glimpse what they're trying to say. Showing yourself to the world, and hoping someone else understands." babel
- Determine if the word “Babel” is present in the string.
- Count how many times the word “translation” appears
- Convert the entire string to upper case
- Convert the pronoum “I” to “We” in the entire text.
- Strip any punctuation (like commas, exclamation marks, etc.) from the string.
Intro do Python II
Class Website: https://tiagoventura.github.io/ppol5203/weeks/week-04.html
Follow up with the lecture notes and readings. Most coding will be there!
Class Part II: Control Statements, Loops and Functions
We will go over some concepts that are very general for any programming language.
Logical Operators: to make comparisons
Control statements: to control the behavior of your code
Iterations: repeat, repeat, scale-up!
User-Defined Functions: to make code more flexible, debuggable, and readable.
Comparison Operators
Operator | Property |
== |
(value) equivalence |
> |
greater than |
< |
strictly less than |
<= |
less than or equal |
> |
strictly greater than |
>= |
greater than or equal |
!= |
Not Equals |
is |
object identity |
is not |
negated object identity |
in |
membership in |
not in |
negated membership in |
Control Statements
Any programming language needs statements that controls the sequence of execution of a particular piece of code. We will see three main types:
- if-else statements
- for loops
- while loops
Ifelse Statements
Definition: Conditional execution.
if <logical statement>:
~~~~ CODE ~~~~
elif <logical statement>:
~~~~ CODE ~~~~
~~~~ CODE ~~~~
For loops
Definition: Taking one item at a time from a collection. We start at the beginning of the collection and mover through it until we reach the end.
In python, we can iterate over:
dictionaries items
file connections
grouped pandas df
# create a list
= [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
# iterate with a for loop:
for m in my_list:
While Loops
- While loops are all about repetitions. Instead of a sequence, the operation will repeat up according to the conditional statement in the loop.
# while loops
= 0
x while x < 5:
+= 1 x
User Defined Functions
How do we start coding?
write code sequentially to solve your immediate needs
reuse this code for similar tasks.
Have very long and repetitive codes
Problems with this approach
- Lack of general utility.
- Need to edit/copy/paste your code every time you want to reuse it.
- Need to re-write the code when you need to make small extension
- Likely to raise errors
def square(x):
Takes the square of a number
input: int object
outpur: int object
= x*x
y return y
The code block above has the following elements:
Comparing Python and R
def square(x):
Takes the square of a number
input: int object
outpur: int object
= x*x
y return y
<- function(x){
square # Takes the square of a number
# input: int object
# outpur: int object
= x*x
y return(y)
In Python, you don’t need to assign an object to a function
The indentation blocks your statement. It replaces the curly braces
Additional topics on functions
lambda functions
Notebook for Control statements and Functions
Let’s take a break (10min)
Intro to Python - Part II.
For the second part of this lecture, we will see:
Importing libraries in Python
Comprehension and Generators
File management in Python
Data as Nested Lists
Importing librarys in Python
To import a library in Python, you need to explicitly tell python to do it. This works like the library function in R in theory, but not in practice (Because Python is a OOP language!)
Python allows you to import:
The full library with the original name
The full library with an alias
Some functions from the library
All methods from the library as independent functions
The full library and its functions
# import library
import math
# access methods from the library
# this will throw you an error
name 'pi' is not defined
The full library with an alias
# import library
import math as m
# access methods from the library
5) m.factorial(
Some functions from the library
# import some functions
from math import pi
# run
All methods from the library as independent functions
# all methods as independent functions
from math import *
# run
5) factorial(
- Provide a readable and efficient way to construct new sequences (such as lists, sets, dictionaries, etc.) based on a sequence of elements
Compared to a loop
=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, "hey"]
a_list = []
result for e in a_list:
if type(e) == int: # use int for Python 3
result.append(e result
[0, 1, 4, 9, 16]
I am already all confused about loops. Why do I need to learn something else?
Elegant and cleaner way to perform iterations. Which means: a lot of people use it!
Automatically create new objects – no need to a container in the loop
Flexible: allows working with lists, dictionaries, and sets
Faster than loops (but not much in a way that makes you avoid loops)
Python has this very nice data type called generators. We use these functions a lot, but hardly talk about them.
Purpose: Generators allow for generating a sequence of values at each time. In other words, it allows you to create iterators in Python.
Main Advantage: do not have to create the entire sequence at once and allocate memory
Lazy Evaluation: Returns a value at time. When requested. It is LAZY!!! We love LAZY!
Example of Generators
You can build your own generators. That’s a bit advanced, and you probably will not need to use for our purposes. But we will see some pre-built “generators” that will be useful for us:
: generate the corresponding sequence of integers. Commonly used with for loops.zip()
: syncs two series of numbers up into tuples.enumerate()
: generates an index and value tuple’s pairing
Notebook for Comprehension and Generators
Let’s take another break (5min)
File Management in Python
Main question: how do we read files from our computer in python?
- connection management: open(), close()
- Reading/writing files
- using with to manage connections.
- Reading .csvs
Most often we will use high-level functions from Pandas to load data into Python objects.
Why are we learning these tools then?
Very pythonic
No direct equivalent in R or Stata
Important when working non-tabular data - text, json, images, etc..
Reading: Check Section 3.3 of Python for Data Analysis to learn more about the topics covered in the notebook.
open(): opens a connection with files on our system.
- open() returns a special item type *_io.TextIOWrapper*
- This item is a iterator. We need to go through to convert inputs to a objectin python.
close(): closes the connection.
write(): writes files on your system. Also line by line.
with(): wrapper for open and close that allows alias.
Notebook for File Management
Data as Nested Lists
Or motivating Numpy
So far, all our datatypes are geared towards kind of unidimensional data. We can get over with this using a nested list:
# Read in the gapminder data
import csv
with open("../lecture_notes/week-04/gapminder.csv",mode="rt") as file:
= [row for row in csv.reader(file)] data
Nested Lists: Bad data structure. Why?
# let's see the data
[['country', 'lifeExp', 'gdpPercap'], ['Guinea_Bissau', '39.21', '652.157'], ['Bolivia', '52.505', '2961.229'], ['Austria', '73.103', '20411.916'], ['Malawi', '43.352', '575.447'], ['Finland', '72.992', '17473.723'], ['North_Korea', '63.607', '2591.853'], ['Malaysia', '64.28', '5406.038'], ['Hungary', '69.393', '10888.176'], ['Congo', '52.502', '3312.788'], ['Morocco', '57.609', '2447.909'], ['Germany', '73.444', '20556.684'], ['Ecuador', '62.817', '5733.625'], ['Kuwait', '68.922', '65332.91'], ['New_Zealand', '73.989', '17262.623'], ['Mauritania', '52.302', '1356.671'], ['Uganda', '47.619', '810.384'], ['Equatorial Guinea', '42.96', '2469.167'], ['Croatia', '70.056', '9331.712'], ['Indonesia', '54.336', '1741.365'], ['Canada', '74.903', '22410.746'], ['Comoros', '52.382', '1314.38'], ['Montenegro', '70.299', '7208.065'], ['Slovenia', '71.601', '14074.582'], ['Trinidad and Tobago', '66.828', '7866.872'], ['Poland', '70.177', '8416.554'], ['Lesotho', '50.007', '780.553'], ['Italy', '74.014', '16245.209'], ['Tunisia', '60.721', '3477.21'], ['Kenya', '52.681', '1200.416'], ['Gambia', '44.401', '680.133'], ['Bosnia and Herzegovina', '67.708', '3484.779'], ['Libya', '59.304', '12013.579'], ['Greece', '73.733', '13969.037'], ['Ghana', '52.341', '1044.582'], ['Peru', '58.859', '5613.844'], ['Turkey', '59.696', '4469.453'], ['Reunion', '66.644', '4898.398'], ['Sri_Lanka', '66.526', '1854.731'], ['Cambodia', '47.903', '675.368'], ['Bulgaria', '69.744', '6384.055'], ['Lebanon', '65.866', '7269.216'], ['Togo', '51.499', '1153.82'], ['Yemen', '46.78', '1569.275'], ['Jamaica', '68.749', '6197.645'], ['Swaziland', '49.002', '3163.352'], ['Chile', '67.431', '6703.289'], ['Israel', '73.646', '14160.936'], ['Algeria', '59.03', '4426.026'], ['Czech_Republic', '71.511', '13920.011'], ['Djibouti', '46.381', '2697.833'], ['Singapore', '71.22', '17425.382'], ['Nigeria', '43.581', '1488.309'], ['Bangladesh', '49.834', '817.559'], ['DRC', '44.544', '648.343'], ['Cuba', '71.045', '6283.259'], ['Namibia', '53.491', '3675.582'], ['Sudan', '48.401', '1835.01'], ['Syria', '61.346', '3009.288'], ['Rwanda', '41.482', '675.669'], ['Puerto Rico', '72.739', '10863.164'], ['Albania', '68.433', '3255.367'], ['Vietnam', '57.48', '1017.713'], ['Mozambique', '40.38', '542.278'], ['Mali', '43.413', '673.093'], ['Saudi Arabia', '58.679', '20261.744'], ['Liberia', '42.476', '604.814'], ['Madagascar', '47.771', '1335.595'], ['Chad', '46.774', '1165.454'], ['Gabon', '51.221', '11529.865'], ['Mauritius', '64.953', '4768.942'], ['Zambia', '45.996', '1358.199'], ['Romania', '68.291', '7300.17'], ['Dominican Republic', '61.554', '2844.856'], ['Egypt', '56.243', '3074.031'], ['Senegal', '50.626', '1533.122'], ['Oman', '58.443', '12138.562'], ['Zimbabwe', '52.663', '635.858'], ['Botswana', '54.598', '5031.504'], ["Cote d'Ivoire", '48.436', '1912.825'], ['Afghanistan', '37.479', '802.675'], ['Mexico', '65.409', '7724.113'], ['Sao Tome and Principe', '57.896', '1382.782'], ['Myanmar', '53.322', '439.333'], ['Switzerland', '75.565', '27074.334'], ['United Kingdom', '73.923', '19380.473'], ['Japan', '74.827', '17750.87'], ['El Salvador', '59.633', '4431.847'], ['India', '53.166', '1057.296'], ['Thailand', '62.2', '3045.966'], ['Bahrain', '65.606', '18077.664'], ['Australia', '74.663', '19980.596'], ['Mongolia', '55.89', '1692.805'], ['Nepal', '48.986', '782.729'], ['Iran', '58.637', '7376.583'], ['Honduras', '57.921', '2834.413'], ['Guinea', '43.24', '776.067'], ['Venezuela', '66.581', '10088.516'], ['Iceland', '76.511', '20531.422'], ['Somalia', '40.989', '1140.793'], ['Burundi', '44.817', '471.663'], ['Panama', '67.802', '5754.827'], ['Costa Rica', '70.181', '5448.611'], ['Philippines', '60.967', '2174.771'], ['Denmark', '74.37', '21671.825'], ['Benin', '48.78', '1155.395'], ['Eritrea', '45.999', '541.003'], ['Belgium', '73.642', '19900.758'], ['West Bank and Gaza', '60.329', '3759.997'], ['South_Korea', '65.001', '8217.318'], ['Ethiopia', '44.476', '509.115'], ['Guatemala', '56.729', '4015.403'], ['Colombia', '63.898', '4195.343'], ['Cameroon', '48.129', '1774.634'], ['United States', '73.478', '26261.151'], ['Pakistan', '54.882', '1439.271'], ['China', '61.785', '1488.308'], ['Sierra Leone', '36.769', '1072.819'], ['Slovak Republic', '70.696', '10415.531'], ['Tanzania', '47.912', '849.281'], ['Paraguay', '66.809', '3239.607'], ['Argentina', '69.06', '8955.554'], ['Spain', '74.203', '14029.826'], ['Netherlands', '75.648', '21748.852'], ['France', '74.349', '18833.57'], ['Niger', '44.559', '781.077'], ['Central African Republic', '43.867', '958.785'], ['Serbia', '68.551', '9305.049'], ['Iraq', '56.582', '7811.809'], ['Uruguay', '70.782', '7100.133'], ['Angola', '37.883', '3607.101'], ['Sweden', '76.177', '19943.126'], ['Nicaragua', '58.349', '3424.656'], ['South Africa', '53.993', '7247.431'], ['Burkina Faso', '44.694', '843.991'], ['Haiti', '50.165', '1620.739'], ['Norway', '75.843', '26747.307'], ['Taiwan', '70.337', '10224.807'], ['Portugal', '70.42', '11354.092'], ['Jordan', '59.786', '3128.121'], ['Ireland', '73.017', '15758.606'], ['Brazil', '62.239', '5829.317']]