Week 01
Introduction, Installations, IDEs, Command line
Lectures Notes:
The readings for this week will cover a more general introduction to data science from a applied perspective (which you can call Data Science and Public Policy, Data Science for Public Good, or Computational Social Science in academic spaces)
Required Readings
Bit by Bit: Social Research in the Digital Age By Mathew Salganik
A Three-Step Guide to Training Computational Social Science Ph.D. Students for Academic and Non-Academic Careers - By Aniket Kesari, Jae Yeon Kim, Sono Shah, Taylor Brown, Tiago Ventura and Tina Law
Best Practices in Programming, IDEs and Files Management:
Required Readings
Jupyter Notebook for Beginners: A tutorial Pryke, Benjamin - www.dataquest.io
More on RStudio + Reticulate
R & Python: A Love Story - rstudio.com
On using LaTex to write math in markdown - docx2latex.com