Week 03

Text Similarity, Text re-use and Complexity


Tiago Ventura


January 31, 2024


  • More about the vector space model
  • How do we compare texts?
  • How do we evaluate similarity in text?
  • How do we evaluate complexity in text?
  • Why should we care about complexity in text?


Required Readings

  • [GMB] - Chapter 7

  • Applied Papers:

    • Spirling, Arthur. 2016. “Democratization and Linguistic Complexity”, Journal of Politics.

    • Benoit, K., Munger, K. and Spirling, A. 2017. Measuring and Explaining Political Sophistication Through Textual Complexity

    • Linder, Fridolin, Bruce Desmarais, Matthew Burgess, and Eugenia Giraudy. “Text as policy: Measuring policy similarity through bill text reuse.” Policy Studies Journal 48, no. 2 (2020): 546-574.

Coding Materials
