Week 04

Supervised Learning I: Dictionary Methods and Off-the-Shelf Classifiers


Tiago Ventura


February 7, 2024


  • What are dictionaries?

  • Why/when are they useful?

  • What are their limitations?

  • Can we use models trained by others and for other purposes in our classification tasks?


Required Readings

  • [GMB] - Chapters 15-16

  • Applied Papers:

    • Lori Young and Stuart Soroka 2012 “Affective News: The Automated Coding of Sentiment in Political Texts.” Political Communication, 29:2, 205-231.

    • Rathje, Steve, Jay J. Van Bavel, and Sander Van Der Linden. “Out-group animosity drives engagement on social media.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118, no. 26 (2021): e2024292118.

    • Ventura, Tiago, Kevin Munger, Katherine McCabe, and Keng-Chi Chang. “Connective effervescence and streaming chat during political debates.” Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media 1 (2021).

Coding Materials

Problem set 1
